January 2012 Moms

I'm going to kick DH in the head! UGH

OK DH drives most of the time. Exept in the morning as I drop him off and then head to my office.

Well anyway, last weekend and again this morning he's trying to direct me where and how to drive. For example last weekend we were going to Menards - we've been there 1,548,501 times and I know where it is or how to get there. So I'm in the turning lane that is clearly marked to turn but had to wait for a guy to go first. All of a sudden DH screams "don't turn there, go right here, turn no, now turn now! And I got so confused b/c I thought there was something I'm not seeing. So then I just got out of the line and went straight to take the next entrance. DH goes "oh well nevermind just drive home." When I asked WTF he goes" well you were sitting there and I wasn't sure where the heck you were going". I wanted to kill him.

This morning again, we are driving to work and he's directing. OK now go straight and then stay in the left lane, you don't want to get stuck behind all those people turning right.

UHM I'M REALLY GOING TO KILL HIM. I've been driving for a very very long time, stop F'N treating me like I'm an idiot!

VENT OVER Super Angry


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