January 2012 Moms

You are telling me how to do my job?? VENT, NBR

I typically do not post. I am m ore of a lurker but I have to get this out.

I work in the service industry for a large corporation. Part of my job is billing.

We took on a new customer who insists we bill them weekly. It's an on going project which makes this a HUGE complication.

One of our field mechanics ordered a part that they did not need, but I unfortunately already billed the customer for that part. (No big deal, we can credit  the invoice and fix) He comes into the office and gets on me about billing this costumer without having the part installed.

A. He knows nothing about my job.

B. He knows nothing about our contract with this customer.

He proceeds to go on and on and tells me not to bill them if they job is not complete. THE JOB IS NEVER COMPLETE. It is an ongoing job!!! Well, I tell him...I do what I have to do.

Today, I send him two messages about two different jobs. I promise, the messages had no condesending tone what so ever. Not one minute later he calls someone else and asks them why  he needs to do what I asked of him. And goes on about how I had this attitude.

Then, he claims he doesn't know how to do what I ask of  him...ALTHOUGH HE TEACHES THE CLASS ON IT!!

I know some of this might not make sense to some of you but I just needed to get this off my chest before I explode!


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