January 2012 Moms

Co-Irker Vent!!

I am seriously minutes away from flipping out on my coworker! She is a per dorm employee, which means she's not technically guaranteed any hours at the clinic. However because of this she gets paid twice what the normal employee does for doing so. She's very nice, but she is so effing lazy and hypocritical. Aside from the standard patient care there is a laundry list of tasks that need to be done each day. I have never once seen her do any of them. She sits down and just reads a magazine complaining that she is tired and her legs hurt. I'm finally on the end of the to do list with no help from her, and she has the audacity to ask me why I didn't get up to take vital signs just now. I just looked at her and said " gee I dunno. Why can't you do sonething other than sit and read a magazine?" and now she's all pissed off. Soooo frustrating! I cannot wait for today to be over!!! Sorry for the vent, but boy do I feel better now!
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