January 2012 Moms

it's a . . .

My husband and I found out this morning we are having a little boy!!! We were hoping for a little girl, but once the tech said boy the thought of a little girl left our minds!!! We are both so excited being that this is our first and the fact that we had so many complications getting pregnant ( I have endometriosis and I have been through several treatments and when I was 20 I had one doc tell me I should just get a hysterecomy, so we changed docs and started a new treatment and even still he told me it would be difficult and that I would probably need medication to help us, but this past April my period came by itself for the first time in a year and half and I actually ovulated on my own, so this is our little miracle baby!!!)

 Well, I just wanted to share a little. I've been seeing everyone else's post and I wanted to tell the world we are having a little boy and the doc says he looks great and all of his measurements are what they should be!!! Thanks for listening! 

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