Upstate NY Babies

random thought...what do you think?

So while traveling down south for our vacation we got caught in some traffic.  Ofcourse, the first stop that we came upon off of it we had to stop so I could pee/change Liam.  There was a million people at this gas station becuase it was the only one off of the exit.  As I'm walking in there was a man in front of me.  A kid walks out the door and holds the door for him, he just walks in, doesn't say thank you and doesn't catch the door.  Like the kid was placed on this earth to hold the door for him.  He then walks in the second set of doors, and completely lets it shut in my face.  So, I ofcourse can't keep my mouth shut and say, "THANKS!"   He turns around and says in completely snotty tone,"you're welcome...i didn't see you."  So I said, "Really!?!  Because I was RIGHT BEHIND YOU! and there are a ton of people here, thought you might have glanced around"  He then says, "just because you're behind someone doesn't mean they see you."  I said, "Yeah or you're just a rude!" and walked in the other direction.  I couldn't believe it. 


so anyways, while listening to the radio this morning, they were talking about this.  People were calling in saying that you shouldn't have to hold the door for other people and if you do, they shouldn't have to say thank you.


I feel like it's common  I could have slapped the guy, I can still see that smug look on his face.

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