Salt Lake City Babies

Salt Lake (and surrounding areas) Mom's

Hello momma's and soon-to-be momma's! I hope you are all doing well and your children/pregnancies are treating you well. :-)

 Since I live in Ogden, it would be best if someone could host the SLC get-together.  Let me know if anyone has any interest in that.

Please reply to this post with any interest in having a meetup between Salt Lake county mom's. List any dates and times that wouldn't work for you in the month of September. Any suggestions of places you have would be good as well.  I am not sure of a meetup since I do not live in SLC. This can be for moms-to-be AND mom's who already have children. It could be something where we have a potluck picnic, or we could just get together and chat.

The get-together will most likely be at the end of September since this board is very slow and it will take a while to get everything together.  Possibly early October.

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