Salt Lake City Babies

Weber/Davis County Mom's

Hello momma's and soon-to-be momma's!  I hope you are all doing well and your children/pregnancies are treating you well. :-)

Please reply to this post with any interest in having a meetup between Weber/Davis county mom's.  List any dates and times that wouldn't work for you in the month of September.  Any suggestions of places you have would be good as well.  I am thinking of Layton Park since it's somewhat central to everyone (in between Ogden and Kaysville/Centerville).  This can be for moms-to-be AND mom's who already have children.  It could be something where we have a potluck picnic, or we could just get together and chat.

The get-together will most likely be at the end of September since this board is very slow and it will take a while to get everything together.

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