Single Parents

joining you soon

My husband and I have been married less than 2 years and our son just turned 4 weeks old yesterday.

When I was 5 months pregnant, he had an affair with a friend and coworker. we tried moving on and working things out, but he is continually lying to me and insists on maintaining a friendship with her to "keep work less stressful". 

We are separating to see if that helps. I hope he gets his head on straight, but I'm also being realistic that he will probably not change his ways. Also does not help that my MIL hates me (why? because I married her only child... seriously, H even says this). I am sure that she will try to convince H to divorce me. H and I are at least trying to keep an amicable relationship for our son.

Life is so stressful right now. I know its going to take a lot of strength to get through it.


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