Upstate NY Babies

Random children

2 random children from the main road outside ours just spent 45 min playing with my dog. They were 12 and 13 and were riding by on their bikes. They asked to pet the dog and I said ok....they then came into our yard to play and wouldn't leave!

They seemed like good kids, but it was so random and odd. The 13 yr old girl told me they lived with their Aunt. Their mother had passed away and their dad couldn't care for them because he worked long hours. It was so sad, however I am not sure I want them hanging around my house either.

She offered her 15 yr old sisters babysitting services, and the 12 yr old boy had a blast playing with the dog. They wanted to come back after lunch but I said it was nap time. I would never let them inside, I shouldn't have even let them pet the dog.

I hate to avoid going outside because they clearly are looking for some attention.... isn't their Aunt concerned about their whereabouts? 

Thank goodness school starts soon!

WWYD in this situation, if they return?  Update already...they a;ready came back and I saw them in my yard. I told them they needed to go home as I couldn't be responsible if something happened with the dog while they played.

=( Poor kids.

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