January 2012 Moms

a/s results...low lying placenta?

My a/s went very well as far as the baby goes.  She is measuring ahead, yay!, and everything looks great.  But then the nurse said I would need to come back in 4 weeks due to a low lying placenta.  She said in most cases it will move up so I shouldn't worry, but if not I would probably have to have a c-section.

The thought of a c-section doesn't scare me or bother me at all, but the more I read online, I got worried.  It said the baby gets less nutrients and oxygen from a low laying placenta and there are more risks of premature birth.  I see that some people are put on pelvic rest or limited activities.  She didn't tell me any of this and I won't see my doctor for 3 more weeks.  The tech didn't make it sound like it was risky at all for the baby.

Does anyone else have this?  What have the doctors told you?

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