January 2012 Moms

A/S today! Almost couldn't find out the sex!

We are having a baby boy! Our little guy was VERY uncooperative (ornery the tec called him Smile ) and was lying face down on his tummy, right on my bladder AND cross-legged almost the entire hour AND was being very squirmy. In fact I have to go back for another ultrasound on Thursday since they couldn't get all the pictures they needed due to his position. They told us we wouldn't find out the sex today and I started crying because I was so disappointed.They also ran out of paper for the pictures so they have to mail them too me, which added even more disappointment. However, the ultrasound tec felt bad for me and kept moving the wand around really fast trying to make him move....and at the last minute he stretched out his leg and she was able to announce it was a boy! We are so excited! :)
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