January 2012 Moms

If you don't read her blog yet, you should

because she is pretty amazing.

I have been following Jill over at babyrabies.com since we were pregnant together with our first kids.  She is pretty funny and really pretty.

She posted this on her blog today, and it just made me heart her even more, I hope you enjoy, and not only this post but her other ones too  :) 

The Playdate PledgeI can?t promise my floors will be spotless, but I will strive to keep dust-bunnies to a size that is not frightening to your small child.I can?t promise my trashcan will shine, but I will strive to at least make sure it can close.I can?t promise there will be no dirty dishes in my sink, but I will strive to make sure we can?t see the stacked pile from the living room.I can?t promise my kid won?t hit yours with a toy sword, but I will strive to make sure all real knives are moved off the counters.I can?t promise my house will smell like ?clean cotton? or anything ?crisp,? but I will strive to make sure it doesn?t smell like a 3 year old (who insists on peeing ALL BY HIMSELF and misses the toilet about 6 times a day) lives here.I can?t promise I?ll have wholesome, organic snacks your kid will love, but I will strive to have some that aren?t dusted with processed cheese powder.

I can?t promise the toys will be sterile, but I will strive to keep them free of Ebola. 

My Book BlogImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPicA Lucy, a lost tube, two lost babies, and another on the way! image
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