January 2012 Moms

This is what we are all working so hard for...

Today I have been trying to clean the house, vacuuming, dishes, mopping, laundry, etc.  I would like to be able to spend a little time this week scrapbooking, reading, doing fun stuff, so I thought it would be nice to get all my chores done today.

I was wrong.

I cleaned up all of DD's toys and packed a box to move back to her bedroom (toys seem to migrate).  She has emptied the whole basket three times (it's to heavy to move upstairs by myself).  She as also dumped her magnets everywhere, and pulled a lot of her toys out of her toybox after I *just* put them all away.

Then, when I vacuumed (I borrow my MIL's rainbow) I put down the hose to pick something up off the floor that I had *just* put away, and she pulled the hose knocking over the rainbow spilling ALL of the dirty dog hair filled water all over the WHITE carpet.  

While I was cleaning that mess, having to scrub the carpet with a carpet spray, she went upstairs to use the bathroom, where she got completely naked, peed all over the toilet seat and used half a roll of tp wiping her butt, which she actually miss all together and now she needs a bath.  

I know that not all our days are like this, but I swear, after today, I would be almost thankful to go to work...and I am going to have another one.  Lord help me. 

My Book BlogImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPicA Lucy, a lost tube, two lost babies, and another on the way! image
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