January 2012 Moms

S/O I was so rude

I've seen several posts along the lines of people being upset b/c someone said they were little or weren't showing, and I have to say I don't really understand why this is upsetting.  I'm THRILLED when people say "you look great, you don't look pregnant," etc. - my baby is growing right on track and is healthy, I'm healthy, and believe me my PANTS know that I'm bigger, but if I have enough muscle tone or whatever, don't have stretch marks yet, and have still only gained a few pounds, I'm happy about that!  I am excited to finally have enough of a little bump that in the right clothes you can tell I'm pregnant, but I'd much prefer to have people say "I can't believe you're 20 weeks, you look tiny," than "geez, you're huge, you must be 38 weeks" or something. 

No offense meant to anyone, I guess I'm just thinking we should look on the bright side when people say you look little- take it as a compliment, not an offense to your pregnant status.

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