January 2012 Moms

Team Blue (With a slight complication)

Blue!  Which I thought all along.  So, oddly, I don't feel in shock at finding out.  It was more like, "Yeah of course.  Duh."  :) 

Baby looks nice and healthy, so that's all wonderful news. Only downer of the appointment is that it looks like I have placenta previa at the moment.   The doctor seemed confident it would clear up in time, but there's a chance it won't which is of course not ideal and will totally squash my plans for a home birth.  I'm trying not to dwell, but it's hard not to be stressed out!  

Anyone else find this at their A/S?  Or in a previous pregnancy?  I'm hoping to hear some positive stories from someone else!  

(Also posted on Natural Birth board so apologies if you've had to read this twice)  

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