January 2012 Moms

So Excited About Our A/S Scan!!! (PIP)

We had our 20week ultrasound on Thursday (I waited to post because we had a Reveal Party on Saturday and I didn't wanna take any chances). We were so amazed to see how big our little one had gotten and we're so excited to announce that we're TEAM PINK!!!!!! I had a feeling all along, but my hubby was convinced we were having a boy. (Until after the ultrasound...he sadly said "I had a feeling it was a girl, but I just really wanted a boy!" Poor guy).

Everything looked perfect, we saw her kicking and moving around, and she gave us a perfect flashing of her girly parts! The tech said she's weighing in at 10 ounces. God is amazing and we're so grateful to Him for our perfect little daughter (I can't believe I get to say that now!!)!!!!

Here's her picture:
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BabyFruit Ticker

BFP #1 5/5/2011, EDD 1/12/2012

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

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My BFP Chart:

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