January 2012 Moms

Any of you heard of SPD?

It's Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or Pelvic Girdle Pain.

I've been in SO much pain for about a month now. It started the same time as my sciatica. My Chiropractor took care of the sciatica but hasn't been able to do anything about this other pain.

It's by my groin, on my pubic bone. It hurts so bad when I lift my legs, walk or even sit! It literally feels like my pubic bone is pulling apart in the front. (Burning, trobbing and sharp shooting pains)

It's to the point that it's impossible to walk for any decent length. My walk out to my car is enough to send me into tears and it hurts to drive! The action of taking my foot from the gas to the brake or vice-versa is excruciating!

So naturally I turned to "Dr Google" and found this SPD. The symptoms are spot on. I have a Dr appointment today so I'll ask him all about it but I was wondering if any of you are having this same pains or have been diagnosed with this SPD yet?

Happy Monday everybody!

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