January 2012 Moms

Back from vacation!

I'm back from our crazy vacation...and it is nice to be home and finally sleep in our own bed!

We had to come home from the beach once so that I could start my first week of my MBA classes and it so happened the a/s was last Monday...its a girl if you missed the post!  We headed back late Tuesday night. 

We were just south of the Outer Banks...we evacuated the beach house on Friday morning and stayed with friends who were about 30 miles inland.  Luckily they missed the bulk of the flooding rain and mostly had the hurricane force winds.  They lost several trees and had one take down a section of their fence and landing on the neighbors car.  One tree barely missed the house tearing out a section of their deck.  Many neighbors had trees on their homes, missing shingles and room sections and one even had their whole fence uproot and fall over.  It was nuts! We helped them clean up and got home last night.

It feels great to be home and especially back to bumping!!  Congrats on the a/s I missed last week...can't wait to see the updated list of teams!! 

Favorite thing about fall...Florida Football!

What's cookin'? BFP: May 16, 2011 DD born January 19, 2012 | Chart BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary imageBabyName Ticker

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