Upstate NY Babies

3 Fried Things

Every year I go to the fair.  It is hot, crowded, over priced, terrible traffic and it smells funny... but I love it.  Smile

I normally eat pretty healthy... but every year at the fair, I make it a point to eat 3 disgustingly inappropriately fried things.  This year's 3 were:

1.  Deep fried Snickers wrapped in bacon

2.  Deep fried chicken wing dip

3.  Deep fried pineapple

I also absolutely positively cannot leave without a humongonormous piece of roasted corn... dipped, of course, in real fattening greasy disgusting BUTTER.  I love it.

Does anyone else have any fair traditions?  Something you do every year?  Something you do different every year?  A certain food you just HAVE to have?

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