January 2012 Moms

My mom and FB Drama... ugh... (long vent)

So DH and I decided that we would not be posting anything about being being pregnant on Facebook. It was REALLY hard for me to see other people posting about getting pregnant while I was struggling to conceive, and I want to be sensitive to friends who may be TTC but not telling anyone (like us!). I also think that all the people that need to know already know and have been contacted by DH or myself. Posting for all of the "kinda" friends or old acquaintances isn't really necessary in my opinion.

Well when I was like 7 weeks along, my mom posted on there that I was having a baby. I got really mad because we hadn't even told our friends yet (waiting to be out of first tri) and we had explicitly told her and other family members not to post anything about it on there. She claimed she didn't know anyone else could see it (IT WAS HER STATUS!!) but took it down as soon as I called and after a ton of people had commented on it.... It became this huge thing, and I asked her to not post anything on FB about my being pregnant and she agreed. 

....Flash forward to yesterday when I sign on and AGAIN in her status it is talking about me being pregnant! I called her and her response was "well who are you trying to hide it from? I thought everyone knew..." I tried to explain that it wasn't that we were hiding, it is that she is not respecting our wishes for this pregnancy. She FLIPPED out and said something to the effect of "Well I can't do anything right can I? How about you just call me when the baby is born? I don't want to know anything about the baby if I can't tell anyone!" 

Ugh!! I'm so frustrated! I don't care who she tells AT ALL, I just don't wanted it posted on Facebook!!! Am I being unreasonable?

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