January 2012 Moms

Had our gender reveal party!!!

We had our A/S this past Monday, and waited until our gender reveal party yesterday (Saturday) to find out!  Didn't even have the desire to peak in the envelope!  We had a party store put together a box of balloons for each of the twins.  Blue for boy, or pink for girl. 

First box opened revealed that Baby A is a Boy!  Second box opened revealed that Baby B is a boy!  We're having two boys!  We are thrilled!  Yea!  First grandkids for my parents and they are ecstatic!  (My side of the family (extended) has a tonne of girls and only one boy! )

 Add us to team blue x 2 !!!!!  

We had so much fun at our reveal party!  Made yummy sugar cookies shaped into onesies, yummy chocolate cup cakes.. delicious food...set out some of my cravings... had a great time with a great group of family and friends...beautiful weather!   Awesome!  It was a blast and I would totally do it again the next time we're pregnant!  DH and I loved it!  No one had ever heard of such a thing and they all loved it!   Sweet!   What a blessing!  Two boys!

Married my best friend May 2004
TTC since Fall 2005
2008: Seven cycles of Clomid & hcg in before getting a BFP that ended in MC @ 8 wks October 2008
Fall 2010: Three cycles of Clomid & hcg w/ no success
April 2011: One Cycle of Clomid & Menopure & hcg + IUI = BFP... Sept 2011: Twin boys born at 22 w 4d went to heaven to dance with Jesus !!!!
June 2012 - BFP (IUI baby)

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