January 2012 Moms

update: hurricane irene ....

Hurrican Irene hit land fall around 730 am at Cape Lookout, which is directly east of Beaufort areas. All we know as of know is the surrounding areas are without power and serveral roads have been washed out in the area.

latest news: a neighbor checked out my parents house for us. the house looks okay. lots of debris in the yard and around the house. hopefully nothing leaked, that is the biggest worry at this point. however, a tree fell in the back yard on one of the two sheds. lots of flooding in the area, roads are washed out and power is expected to be out for a while. my moms friends' house in new bern, nc had a few trees fall, which fell on thier house and both cars. several others had damage to sheds or cars. please pray for all.... as for anything with my wedding, not a clue where any of that sits.



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