January 2012 Moms

Sigh - first trip to L&D today

My eventful morning. I had my routine OB appt this morning and I had been having some BH contrax for a couple weeks so I brought it up to the Dr. She said it seems early and given my history of pre-term labor with DD #1 she wanted me to go to L&D to be monitored. At this point I was wishing I hadn't said anything. Anyway, so I head over there, they measured my cervix via u/s and it was a little shorter than they like to see it though not enough to be concerning. And on the monitor I was having some itty bitty contractions, nothing major but still something. So they seem to point to my heading in the same direction that I did with DD #1 so I have to go back next week to the OB and she's going to start me on monthly progesterone shots. Yuck. When I was pregnant with DD I had to go in for FFN and NST tests every other week and I would get IVs and meds to stop  the contrax, so the idea is that the progesterone will help prevent any of that from happening this time around. 
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