Upstate NY Babies

Do your kids spend the night at your parents, siblings, etc.?

Justin has only spent the night at my Dad and Step-Mom's when I had Dylan.  Dylan has never been away from us.  I know my family thinks I am WAY overprotective.  I worry though about them spending the night, as they are extremely all about me right now.  And Justin still wakes up several times a night.  I worry that they'll want to come home or cry for us.  I also worry about Justin getting out of bed and falling down their stairs.  Part of me thinks I created this since we've never had them stay anywhere else.  It's also probably a little selfish.  I don't want to be away from them. I read this back I'm realizing I need to get a grip.  I know some parents that leave their kids with their parents a lot.  I just wouldn't want to be away from them that much.  As it is, I work full-time and only see them a few hours each day during the week. 

It really would be good though for my dh and I to have some alone time.  My Dad and Step-Mom are watching the boys today and offered to keep them overnight.  They made a comment to me yesterdat that I really should let them spend the night.  They said they wouldn't care if they had to get up with the boys.  I don't know....we'll see.

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