January 2012 Moms

Oh thanks, friends! UGH

I posted on FB - I know I just need to stop doing that so I don't hear all the dumb comments - how I picked the right birthing class and was so excited about it.

One friend said right away: OH, I remember when my wife and I paid for the class and I don't even remember why, but we ended up leaving after 20 minutes b/c we were laughing too hard.

The other one said: SKIP THE CLASS! Your baby will come out whether you take it or not, it's not worth it.

UHM just b/c you are immature and can't take anything seriously or you don't want to try to be educated more and maybe help yourself and the baby out during the labor, doesn't mean I'm like that. I also hear all the time how there is no way I can go med-free. THEY thought they could, too but it is just impossible.

Luckily one friend said "hey the class sounds awesome and just the right thing. You can definitely go med-free, I did and many other women do, too.

so that made me feel better :)

How do you friends support you, or not LOL


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