January 2012 Moms

Names & Room situations

So in this whirlwind few days of finding out I'm nearly 19 weeks prego, this morning I started thinking about names . For a boy DH is very picky and he likes classic boy names, nothing unique or weird. So I am thinking Brenden, my DS name is Ryan& I think they're super cute together. For a girl I love love love the name Breezy and that is my definite choice if we are Hving our first daughter. I've always loved Violet for a middle name but i dont think Breezy Violet sounds right, so may have to Rethink the middle name. What do you girls think?! :) I'm already planning the nursery in my head. We decided that since weHave a finished room in the basement we can move my office down there (our only spare bedroom) and make room for the babyTo have his or her own room, instead of them sharing if it were a boy. DS has been sleeping in our room since heRandomly started refusing his crib about 8 months ago. We are getting him a big boy bed and trying to transition him backTo his room. putting a newborn in with him just doesnt seem like it will help. I want more than 2 children and I'm nervous to think what we will do When #3 comes along (we just bought a much larger 3 bedroom home and I would hate to move again, plus we just don't have the meansFor the next price bracket in housing) Any advice on this greatly appreciated!!!
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