Single Parents

Help me..need feedback

So I am working on a parenting plan so I have something to go off of during Mediation. I also want a jump start for when I meet with my attorney next week since i'll be paying by the hour, lol. 

Ex lives out of state, and currently, he comes and goes as he pleases. He usually comes every 3 months and stays about 4 days at a friends. I have never given him unsupervised visits. BUT I do give them space when he is here. Most of the time he wants to do "family" stuff, and if we are currently getting along, I go with it. (hasnt been the case lately).  

i will have full physical and we'll share legal  

So this is my plan (all open for negotiation obviously).  

1 out of state visit a month (when is the norm to start these? now? i was thinking 3 years)

*all visits must be scheduled 1 month prior for planning time. 

1 in-state visit per month if he can afford it (or should i just leave that out? then he's essentially getting eo weekend?) these would just be sat and sun 9-5. 

EX must pay for all travel for visitation (moved voluntarily) ( i can negotiate to pay for him to visit ga 1x per year?)

DS last name will not be changed. no negotiation. 

Only EX can be present for drop off and pick ups. He cant send anyone else

I will get to approve any child care that ds receives in his care

He will get him fathers day weekend

he is to take a parenting class before  visitation starts

 1 week visits in Florida   2x a year 

he is to provide everything while ds is in his care. diapers/wipes/stroller/carseat ect

we've agreed to spend holidays together (i think), if not, eo i guess :( i cant imagine spending holidays without my baby.. i have always allowed ex to come here. 

 what am i missing? how does this sound to start off with? all opinions needed :) thanks ladies. 

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