North Carolina Babies

Nanny Dilemma

I need some advice about a situation with my nanny and we are not sure what to do.

A couple weeks ago, my DH noticed one of our speakers in the basement was broken. It looked like someone had ripped off part of it and then put it back to look like nothing happened.

One of my nannies brings her three year old daughter with her and always takes all the kids into the basement to play. She is not really good at disciplining her own DD and I know for a fact, she gets on our computer sometimes when she is in the basement (on facebook). I do have a couple other people watch my kids during the week, but they never go in the basement, she is the only one that takes them down there.

After my DH discovered the broken speaker, I asked my DD if she knew what happened (I did not mention my nanny or her daughter). My DD said that the nanny's DD broke it, that she got in trouble and they had to go upstairs. I know she is only 4, but she said this completely unprompted and it was over the weekend, so she had not seen them or had we talked about then in several days.

We asked my nanny about it and she denied knowing anything about it. However, I felt her whole demeanor changed when we were discussing it (she got very sweet, etc) and she even texted me during the day to let me know of possible people that may have done it. My DH was there when I asked her and he thinks she is lying (he is very very good at reading people).

To fix the speaker is going to cost $1500, my nanny has broken two other things in our home (a baby swing and an expensive trash can), she told me about those but did not offer to fix or help pay for them. I should also mention she is very "hung" up on money and is not very well off.

We are very upset and I feel as time goes by, I am getting more frustrated with her. I want to ask her again about the speaker and tell her exactly what my DD said. I don't know if I will get anywhere with her, but at this point, I don't trust her and once someone loses my trust, I don't know how to fix things.

What do you think? Should we talk to her again? Fire her? My DH and I are both ready to do this, but want to be 100% sure because she has been a big help (very flexible with her schedule, etc).


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