January 2012 Moms

Baby's Heart Rate and Gender

I'm trying to kill time until our a/s on Sept. 6th. I am so not patient! I know this is an old wives' tale, but just for fun I'd like to poll you ladies. For you mama's that found out what you're having, what was your baby's heart rate and what are you having? I've heard (and I'm sure you have too) that over 140 BPM means you'll have a girl and if it's under 140 BPM it'll be a boy. Looking forward to your answers!
*** bfp: 09.22.10 m/c 11.05.10 @ 10w5d *** bfp: 10.02.12 m/c 11.05.12 @ 9w3d *** Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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