January 2012 Moms

work vent...

I swear if one more person walks by my office and asks me if I'm ok, I'm gonna smack the hell out of them!

I'm filling in for our admin today, so I'm technically in her office, but I have NOTHING to do right now so I'm kind of zoning out and nesting/bumping. I've had 2 people in a row walk by and ask me if I'm feeling ok or if I am ok and it's like WTF, am I supposed to have a freaking smile on my face 24/7 b/c I'm pregnant? Sorry my "glow" is not visible today! oy! Let a girl zone out for crying out loud, I'm fine! I'm 27 years old and have taken care of myself so far by myself! lol. The one person has asked me every day now for 3 weeks if I'm ok. Leave me the hell alone and look at yourself in the mirror every once in a while. you look worse than I do and you're not pregnant!

Thanks for letting me get that out! lol.

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