January 2012 Moms

Am I over-reacting (Sorta BR)

Hi Girls, I wish I could post/answer more often, but I am just insanely busy at work and at home. I have been planting the seed in DH's head that I want to quit working after the 2nd baby. . . .but most likely that won't be a financial possibility . . . (sigh). . . 

Anyway - I want to know from you ladies if you think I am over-reacting. So MIL is a crazy pack rat and her house is insanely cluttered and she pretty much throws nothing away. She is not at Hoarders level but coming from a total minimalist family, it's pretty bad. 

 We were at their house over the weekend and she pulls out this small plastic cup that DH used when he was a kid. It had the Borden's dairy cow on it, she must have gotten it for free or by sending in UPC codes! Anyway, it's probably around 30 years old and she was like, "here, take this home and we can have DS drink from it." 

My first reaction was GROSS. First of all who knows where she kept it, but even so, it's been around for 30 years and it is probably leaching TONS of harmful BPA filled chemicals. I was polite and took the cup, but in my head I was thinking that I would never let DS drink from it!

So my question is - would you let your kid drink from this 30 year old cup?

PS - earlier this year she also gave me this plastic toy doll which just reaked of plasticy smell. Right now it's sitting in the bottom of DS's closet. . .

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