January 2012 Moms

Do you have a BF? NBR

I've always been a little jealous of people that have lifelong best friends or even just really close best friends at any one time.  I was really close to a few friends at different points in my life, but each time we grew apart and most of the time it was mainly caused, bc they weren't there when I needed them or I couldn't trust them.

I also get jealous when ppl have those close relationships with their family (like mom or sister). 

The only person I feel I can really trust is my husband, but it also makes it hard, bc I don't have a girl to bounce marriage stuff off of and he is the one that always has to pick me back up when I'm feeling down (for whatever reason.)

I can't talk to my family about stuff, bc they can never keep it to themselves and they've never been huge fans of my DH, so if I ever said anything bad about him, I feel like they would use it against him (which I don't want).  I also don't feel close enough of any of my friends to share the really deep stuff, bc most have let me down before or shared my personal life with others that I don't want it shared with. 

Anyway, so I know that was long, but here's the point:  Do you have a BF?  How long have you been BFs?  Has marriage and kids brought you closer or make you drift apart?  What makes you BFs?

I always thought, that it seemed like most ppl had BFs, but I heard something on the news or something awhile back that said only like 40% of women do and most wish they did.

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