Upstate NY Babies

1-2-3 Magic

Does anyone use this method of disciplining?  My Step-Mother gave me two videos on it.  I've only seen part of the first one.  However, it basically has to do with counting (showing no emotion) and then time-outs if needed.  We sort of already do some of this but the Dr. that teaches this method has some great points.  I'm probably not that good about showing no emotion.  I think my frustration probably shows a lot with my kids.  And they also discuss not getting into deep conversations or discussions with kids while doing it.  And it's for kids 2 and up so not sure it would be very effective with Dylan yet.  I actually tried it with him last night and it was a big joke.  I did it with Justin too and it worked great....that time at least.  We'll see how it goes.
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