January 2012 Moms

First time mom worries!

Hi ladies,

So I'm definitely more of a lurker around here, but the past couple of days I've been tempted to ask a question. I've been able to feel flutters since about week 15, but they have started to turn into bigger rolls and kicks! I love it! And I've been feeling it more often... usually once or twice a day. However, the last 2 (going on 3) days I haven't felt ANYTHING. I've tried all the suggestions like eating sugar to get her moving, but still nothing.

I was just wondering if any of you think that 18 weeks is still too early to feel movement every day, and if I'm worrying for no reason? I know that if I really needed to I could call my doctor, but I thought I'd just get some of your feed back first. Thanks so much! :) 

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