January 2012 Moms

Update from Genic Testing U/S-Kind of Long sorry

So, Tuesday I had my follow up u/s from the positive QUAD screening.  My Doctor just told me I had tested High for Downs, she did not give me my ratio.  Well after meeting with the Genic Counselor they told us we had a 1 in 7 chance of the baby having Downs.  OMG talk about a punch to the gut, I was mad at first my Docotor didn't warn me but then was kind of relived I didn't know that stat for 12 days of waiting.  We had the u/s sound and everything looked perfect, no soft signs for any downs but since my bloodwork had come back so high it just made the chances 1 in 57 now.  DH and I decided to do an Amnio so we would have all the information.  My Amnio did not go well, they couldn't get ANY fluid out after 4 tries and A LOT of pain.  My uterous was contracting causing some major cramps, it was horrible.  I did not expect it to feel like that, it's rare but sometimes that happenes.  They also found out I have an Anterior Placenta so that didn't help much either.  So we left not knowing anything.  I have no idea what to do now.  Another amnio would give us a 99.9% rate of knowing exactly what is going on but is it worth the risk again.  I feel like the more information we have the better I would feel about being prepared, if you can even prepare for this.  We both have young nieces and nephews and I worry they will ask questions about the baby and I won't know how to explain stuff.  I just want to be a good Mom.  What would you Ladies do?
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