Single Parents

Opinions please...wwyd

Yesterday, myself along with the rest of my group of friends, found out that my friend of 22 years is cheating on her husband of 15 years with our friends husband...who has also been married to his wife for 15 years.  She has one child with her husband and the guy she is sleeping with has 3 children with his wife.  We are all friends.  We all go to the same get togethers and kids birthday parties.  The friend side of me wants to be there for her and support her but in no way do I condone her actions nor will I defend her actions.  Everyone has written her off. 

At one point in our conversation she had mentioned that they have talked about buying a house together and moving living together.  I feel like I am in a dream hearing this come out of her mouth.  I am friends with her husband because I am friends with her.  Her 13 year old son now knows what she has done and wants nothing to do with her.  Her son and my son are best friends.  Do I reach out to him to keep that line of communication open for the kids?  Do I need to keep my loyalty of friendship to her? 

I told her that she is cracked and needs to leave this guy alone and go take some much needed quiet time at her mothers house to figure out what she wants out of life.  Because right now she is in this dream land and reality is finally starting to sink in....mainly because she got caught. 

This whole situation stinks because I am friends of 20+ years with all that are involved.....I just don't know what makes someone think that this is ok or that they can get away with it.  I guess this is more of a vent and looking for opinions at the same time. 

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