Single Parents

I don't understand

I just don't understand how a father can disappear from a child's life for 3 1/2 months without a word or any support and then all of a sudden sue for custody and placement.  I have been the sole parent to my daughter and she doesn't need someone coming in and out of her life whenever they choose.  I really hope a judge sees through this attempt of 50/50 placement as a way out of child support and not because he cares about his daughter.  I wonder if he has figured out if he gets 50/50 I will have to pay him child support because I make more then him.  I can't believe it works that way in my state seems so wrong!!  He has a gambling and drinking problem which makes me not trust him at all.  Not to mention all the lies and manipulation he tried on me when I was pregnant.  Can you blame me with not feeling comfortable letting him just take her?  From what people are telling me it is not likely he will get 50/50 because he lives a hour and a half away and she is only 4 months old.  I hope that is right.  I have no problem with him having supervised visitation but I can't let him take her half the time.  She needs a stable home life right now.  I am seeking an attorney but I'm afraid of how I am going to pay for it all.  But I will beg/borrow or do whatever I need to in order to protect my daughter and give her the best life I can.  Thanks for listening.
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