San Diego Babies

UCSD Hillcrest Breastfeeding

I recently completed my UCSD Hillcrest Meet the Docs and Midwifes hospital tour and I am very discouraged.  I am currently a high risk patient and under the care of a perinatologist at USCD and am on several medications which are "assumed safe" for breastfeeding; however, I am not comfortable breastfeeding on a few of my medications that I cannot stop taking.  The risk of an adverse side effect from my medication in even 1 in 100 babies is too many in my opinion to take the risk.  I feel as though they only catered towards the natural child birth mothers even though their slogan was "your birth your way".  All the information regarding epidurals came secondary as more of an after thought and they indicated that formula would not be given to your infant until after the mother was sufficiently counseled as they indicated that most women who choose not to breastfeed are uneducated on the matter.  

I am wondering if anyone has delivered at UCSD and what their experience was not breastfeeding or having an epidural.  I am considered high risk and I am not even allowed to attempt having my baby in the birth center on the 4th floor.  I would have felt more comfortable is they would have had two information sessions and provide women with all the options available. 

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