January 2012 Moms

Pin prick sensations

This is kind of hard to describe...

Last night I felt little needle prick sensations all over, but not all at once. Every couple of minutes I felt one single pricking sensation somewhere on my body - like on my thigh or bicep or shoulder or something. The sensations were so sharp they made whichever muscle felt stabbed at that moment involuntarily jerk.

It lasted All. Night. Long. It didn't feel scary, just very very annoying and I hate feeling out of control (i.e. muscle jerks/reflex kicking/etc) I finally fell asleep about 8am for a few hours.

Has anyone else experienced this? Everything feels back to normal now, but I can't stop wondering what was up.

A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for you keep. Hold on to your dreams and someday your rainbow will come shining through. No matter how your heart is bleeding if you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true. - Cinderella
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