Single Parents

New here and need advice!

The back story...I met my ex (we were never married) and ended up pregnant 4 months into our relationship.  He then became abusive (verbally and physically) and then his family spilled the beans about his drug and alcohol addictions.  I ended the relationship when I was 2 1/2 months pregnant. 

During my pregnancy we met a few times with a counselor, I made it clear to him that he could be a part of the baby's life if he was clean and sober.  He was adament that he had not abused drugs or alcohol since we broke up which I later found out was not true.

He almost signed his rights away but then decided not to at the last second.  He took me to court to establish paternity and to seek visitation.  I could tell he was high during the hearing but nothing was decided at that time.  Another court date was scheduled but he didn't show up for that one because he was back in rehab 1300 miles away. (His parents are wealthy and have paid for expensive rehabs multiple times).

He now lives in the area where he went to rehab, he does have a job but still gets money from his parents.  He pays a small amount of child support based on his salary as a maintenance worker at a resort.

He is now demanding more time with our 4 year old child.  I am very accomodating when he comes home to visit his parents.  I let our child have overnights with him at his sister's house as long as his sister is present (she is married with two kids). 

Anytime I have asked for proof of his sobriety, he gets defensive and claims that I have no right to ask for proof.  He literally wants me to send my 4 year old to visit him 1300 miles away...I think it is crazy. 

I am married now with another husband has been in the picture since my child was 10 months old.

My question is, do you think he has the right to demand more time with our son?  Am I obligated to let our son travel to where he lives?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!  TIA

Lauren...Wife to Jason, mother to Henry (4), Wesley (2), and baby George! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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