January 2012 Moms

Just bought my 1st purchase of mat clothes..

this pregnancy, I told myself I wouldn't buy anything but a winter coat because I am basically the same season I was my last pregnancy but in 2009 leggings and skinny jeans weren't the rage, but last winter I rocked them all the time so I thought I should buy some....got some good deals at jcpenney..so check it out! 

My dh is going to kill me I probably have way too many mat clothes, but I got a pair of jeans, a pair of leggings, a sweater and a t-shirt for 57, so I didn't think it was too bad.

Taylor Annalee 12/1/09 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Sean Thomas 1/26/2012 Lilypie First Birthday tickers Angel Baby missed m/c 2/17/11, D&E 2/18/11
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