January 2012 Moms

Great A/S at U/S!

We had a great anatomy scan of the twins on Monday!  At 20 weeks, they are growing well (13 oz each) and measuring ahead (5 days)! 

 Can't wait for our reveal party this weekend!  Looking forward to finding out what are babies are!  .^_^.  yeah!  

Married my best friend May 2004
TTC since Fall 2005
2008: Seven cycles of Clomid & hcg in before getting a BFP that ended in MC @ 8 wks October 2008
Fall 2010: Three cycles of Clomid & hcg w/ no success
April 2011: One Cycle of Clomid & Menopure & hcg + IUI = BFP... Sept 2011: Twin boys born at 22 w 4d went to heaven to dance with Jesus !!!!
June 2012 - BFP (IUI baby)

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