January 2012 Moms

FIL rant *NBR* (very long. borderline essay.)

My FIL has been dog sitting for us for about 7 months now?way longer than intended, but the house we were buying fell through and we ended up having to move into an apt that has a 30lb pet weight limit. Our dog is a lab and weighs at least 3x that amount. We had to sign a lease that doesn?t run out until this March, but have been trying to find a home for our dog because we don?t want FIL to have to keep watching him indefinitely. It breaks my heart to let him go, but there is nothing else we can do. I refuse to take him to a shelter for the fear that he wouldn?t be adopted and would eventually be put down. He deserves more than that (as do all of the animals at shelters) and we have been going out of our way for months to find him a loving family.

Side note: our dog?s name is Boomer. He is a yellow lab, house trained, fixed, just under 2 years old. He is an amazing dog and I love him as much as anybody ever loved their fur baby.

FIL has another lab, Molly, who is a little under a year old, is not fixed, has never been house trained and is full on puppy in every way except her size (probably about 50lbs). These dogs (allegedly) have been causing tons of chaos at FIL?s house since they have been there. They chew everything and make huge messes. I have said for a long time that Boomer is not the dog responsible for most of the damage. It would be crazy for me to say he is completely innocent BUT I know that he is not the issue. FIL says that Molly is a ?follower? and Boomer has taught her all these bad habits such as chewing and peeing/pooping in the basement. HELLO! She hasn?t been house trained and she is a PUPPY! That?s what they do!!! Apparently the last straw was when one of the dogs chewed up FIL?s new air freshener. He called my DH and started yelling, cussing, telling him he was irresponsible and a terrible son and if we don?t get rid of our dog in three days he will take Boomer out and shoot him, then he hung up on DH. DH tried to call back, got VM, left a message. FIL finally called back, cussed some more, then hung up again. DH texted him and asked if he needed to come clean up after the dogs. FIL responded with ?Should you even have to ask? And you should be a man and call me instead of sending this disrespectful text.? Of course the only reason DH didn?t call is because he couldn?t get anything other than cuss words from FIL IF he even managed to get him to answer the phone!

This all came kind of out of nowhere. We knew he wanted our dog out, which is why we?ve been trying to find him a home for months, but this guy just totally snapped. DH told him if he hurts our dog he will never see us or his grandkids ever again (petty to say, but we were all really angry and not thinking). FIL told him he didn?t care if he ever saw us again as long as we got our dog. Now, that just crossed a line. I never thought that he had any obligation to our dog. I am not angry that he is kicking him out. I am angry because he is acting like a child and threatening us. He was never a good father to any of his three sons and has alienated most of the family already. I really think he needs to be more careful about who he talks to like that.

I picked up Boomer yesterday and hardly spoke a word to FIL. DH said he has always expected to come to a day when he would never have anything to do with his dad ever again. It seems silly that a dog is what caused it, but we just can?t take him anymore. He has lied to and manipulated everyone that has ever had anything to do with him and we?re done.

Meanwhile, Boomer has been staying at my parents? house in the front yard (there is soooo much stuff in their yard for him to chew on) and has been a perfect angel. He is calm, friendly, doesn?t chew, and relieves himself in the grass where he is supposed to. IMAGINE THAT.

P.S. the chaos continues @FIL?s house. I know that he will still say that Boomer ?taught? the other dog to chew and it is still his fault, so I?m just going to think ?I told you so? to myself and hope that he can feel the vibes.

Also ? we did find a good home and I am taking him tonight. It?s very bittersweet.

Thanks for listening to my rant!!

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