January 2012 Moms

husbands say the darndest things (funny for once)

So last night we lost power at our house around 1:00 AM and it got hot FAST! I woke up and wasnt able to get back to sleep, but DH was still in that half asleep daze. Well I was on my side and he cuddled up behind me and he has a habbit of pulling his knees up and jamming his knee into my butt! It hurts! So I smacked his leg and said "Dont stick your KNEE in my butt". He started giggling and was like "Really?? You want that?!" And i said "what are you talking about" and he said "Didnt you just say stick your weiner in my butt". OMG I died laughing! First off what grown man even calls their penis a WEINER?! and second, he knows I am anti anal and would NEVER ask for that! But we got a VERY good laugh out of that last night.


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