January 2012 Moms

We thought he would make it....sadly no :(

I know I had posted a few time that my father was diagnosed with ALS last summer. We were hoping he would make it to January to see the arrival of our little one. But sadly we lost him this morning at 12:48am.

He had been having trouble breathing the last month and was on oxygen. He was using his walker last night and was moving around in his bedroom and lost his balance and fell. He was very disoriented and couldn't get his breathing regulated. We called 911. My siblings, mother, and husband and I all went to the hospital. 

They had him on a ventilator, against his wishes so we could all say goodbye. (he didn't want "heroics" used on him) We took him off of it after we found out that this was the only thing keeping him alive. We all had our final time with him, and he didn't feel any pain.

It was just so sudden. Last month he was walking around and very "with it."  He just retired in June of working as a doctor for 32 years in our small town and neighboring towns.

He was the most humble man and never wanted to do anything more than to help people and make them happy. He was an amazing father, husband, role model, soloist, wood worker and soon to be proud grandpa. I know he is watching over all us. Please keep my family in your prayers.

Thank you if you were to get to the end of this. Emily61111
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