Single Parents

STBXH wants to work things out IF...

So I introduced myself to the board about a month and a half ago, at which point H said he was done, didn't want to work things out, and would rather die than come back and live with me. We spent about a month going through the roller coaster of getting along one day, then fighting the next, and we're finally past the point of fighting anymore. He is still living elsewhere, and worked out of state for about two weeks, so we hadn't seen him much. When he came back, he had to find another living arrangement IN the county bc of his job (county deputy), so while he was trying to line something else up, he asked if he could stay on my couch. I thought it sounded harmless, and the first night, he asked if he could come to bed, and I said yes. That's one area of our marriage that never suffered. Anyway, so over the next few days he became more sensitive and caring, and even openly affectionate when we were in public. So two days ago, he asked me if I thought we could make our marriage work if we moved somewhere he could have a more fulfilling career - more specifically closer to where he grew up and where we lived before we moved to where I grew up. The thing is, his willingness to reconcile is completely dependent on him getting hired with a specific agency, and I'm wondering if he's sincere about us being happier if he likes his job more, or if it's just a way to get me to move the kids away from my family and this small town, and then he'll cheat on me or leaves again. He says if he gets hired, we can start counseling and individual therapy, and really try to make a go of it.I feel confused and I think I let things get complicated by sleeping with him again... But I still love him and want to make our family work. He says he still loves me, but just can't live with me under our current circumstances (we live next to my parents, he hates his job, he hates living in a small town). Has anyone been in a similar situation, or does anyone have any advice? The kids are doing well with our current arrangement, and with help from family and friends we've been managing pretty well without I'm around,but I can't help but be excited at the thought of having him back in our lives...If you made it all the way through this long rambling post, thank you, thank you, thank you.
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