January 2012 Moms

Sister Vent

Usually people post about their SIL, but this is about my sister.  So you all know about the earthquake by now and I live 38 miles from the epicenter in Virginia.  It was pretty scary at the time (I was home alone and ran out of the house with my dogs freaking out), but don't worry no damage for me.  My immediate family is all in western Pennsylvania.  So I talked to my parents and sent my sister a text "hey i just tried to call you, but don't worry I'm okay."  She called me back from Pittsburgh and was like "what's with your text?"  I told her we had an earthquake real close and just wanted her not to worry about me.  She told me "We had an earthquake too, quit being so over dramatic!"  I told her it was the same earthquake, but it was practically in my backyard (like I said 38 miles away!).  She told me to get over myself. 

She never asked if I, the house or my dogs were okay or how I reacted or anything.  I was so mad and hurt that she didn't care about me and her neice/nephew-to-be.  I may have told her to f* off and hung up on her...  Then I cried for a while.  She didn't call me back and I have no plans on calling her in the near future.  I haven't cried a lot this pregnancy, but that put me over the edge.  Am I being overdramatic?

PS.  My husband was/is in California safe from the earthquake. hahaha.

Married DH - December 2006, Started TTC - July 2009, BFP - May 15, 2011 (round #1 chlomid) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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