January 2012 Moms

Can I please just be happy soon? [long vent]

After a 2+ year struggle to get pregnant, things seemed to be going really well in the beginning- I was going to yoga, hiking, and the docs said my risks for everything were low as I'm in good health, good age, etc.

Then, at 11 weeks I started bleeding and found myself frightened and in the hospital's radiology department the next day. It turned out to be a sub-chorionic hematoma and I was put on pelvic rest and reduced activity (no more yoga or exercise) and told it *should* resolve itself.  Luckily, it did resolve itself at 13 weeks, so I happily thought that things should improve.

Then, at 16 weeks, I started bleeding again and this time went to the emergency room where the doctor told me that I had a low lying placenta which was putting pressure on my cervix, causing the bleeding. He assured me that this problem, placenta previa, usually resolves itself (familiar?).  Meanwhile, the radioloigist told me she was 95% positive I was having a girl. A few days later, at my OB's, they simply reminded me to go back on pelvic rest, limit activity, etc. The bleeding stopped for awhile, so I began to relax. Then, more bleeding and a clot at 18 weeks (just days before my anatomy scan), and I had an U/S in the OB's office. She told me the previa was already resolving itself, that she could tell it was getting better, and it was actually a BOY (good thing I waited the two weeks to buy any clothes). So, anyway, I was excited again that things seemed to be back on course and am happy with either a boy or a girl (I want both!!).

Until yesterday. I had my anatomy scan and DH and I were having a great time looking at LO bounce around (he even gave us the thumbs up sign), when all of a sudden the U/S tech asked us to wait for a second while she grabbed the doctor. :( Now I've learned that LO has a choroid plexus cyst and I'm going in Thursday for a Level II ultrasound. I feel like this, more than anything else, has just taken away all of the joy I've had in this pregnancy. I'm trying to stay positive, but, again I'm being told it's "probably" not a problem and the "odds" are with me. So far, it seems that the odds have dipped toward multiple complications. The one hopeful thing is that baby is measuring a week ahead, rather than behind, so that is somewhat reassuring, but I'm still scared to death and just want to be able to enjoy a relatively normal pregnancy and hold my healthy baby at the end. I'm beyond scared and have no idea what choices to make and just hope that everything is going to be ok. :(

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