January 2012 Moms

No more team green for me (posted on wrong board)

Add me to team BLUE!!!

I had a long talk with my DH last night and told him I was worried that I was convincing myself that I was having a girl since everyone else around kept saying girl. I even stopped trying to figure out boy names and was drawn to the girl's section in stores. I told my husband I was worried that after 20 more weeks of suspense and not knowing, I'd be disappointed if they announced "it's a boy" in the OR on delivery day. So we decided to find out this morning and I'm so glad I did b/c when the Dr scrolled down to the legs I immediately saw the turtle head and said "Oh I see a turtle!" Dr said, yep, you are definitely having a boy! I do not regret finding out at all! We are still keeping it a secret from family (my parents know and my husband will tell his parents) until the baby shower. We will do a gender reveal at the shower :)

I do think I felt a small tinge of disappointment, but it couldn't have lasted for long b/c I barely remember it! My heart was beating so fast with excitement b/c he is already soooo cute! He had his hands over his head and his feet were in his face. All curled up and cute. Then once the Dr started doing measurements we could see him moving all over the place. Those feet were just too cute for me!! In the end (once he moved his legs down a bit and moved his hands out of his face) we got a PERFECT profile shot. He seems to have a lot of my husband's features but, as strange as it sounds, his profile looks almost identical to Jayden! And, yes, Jayden is adopted and we are not related to his birthparents! God is good and I can't wait for next mama's boy! And to watch my boys grow up as best friends despite the 5 yr age difference :)



Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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