January 2012 Moms

WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!!?? *kind of long VENT*

When someone tells me what they plan to name their child, I cannot imagine ever saying anything other than, "that is wonderful," or something to that effect. We found out that we are expecting our second boy yesterday and so at supper last night my husband and I decided to tell our family--my folks and his dad---what the baby's name will be. We had decided on Caleb Matthew. (Matthew is after my little brother). Well, my mom was thrilled. Our dads, however, made it very clear that they hated the name. After some discussion, my dad said he felt that we should use my FIL's name in there somewhere. His name is Robert Charles and we just didn't like either of those. Our first son is Connor Bernell--with Bernell after my dad and grandfather. We weren't sure why FIL was upset but after my husband talked with him, it came out that he isn't that fond of my little brother and doesn't like the middle name. Whatever. Anyway, in the discussion with FIL, my husband and he came up with another suggestion for a middle name: Jason. Jason would be after my cousin, whom I was very close to and was killed 11 years ago in a drunk driving accident. I actually love this new name and had thought of it but didn't think Husband would like it. He does and so we are thinking this is our name. So flash to this morning. I call my dad and tell him that Husband and FIL had a talk and that FIL is not upset about us not using his name. I was hoping to my my dad feel a little better because he just really didn't want FIL to be hurt. I tell him FIL's suggestion and that Husband and I have fallen in love with this name and plan to use it. I really thought he'd be pleased but I was so wrong. He very curtly says, "oh. well, I'm not turned on to that one at all." I got a little upset and said that he would have to get used to it because that is his grandson's name. He said he just doesn't like it and that there is a black cloud attached to it. WHAT!?! I explained that parents get to name their children and I couldn't imagine making someone feel bad for their name choice. I never understood the people who kept their baby name a big secret and refused to tell. I get it now. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?
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